Vivera and Müller Fresh Food Logistics have been working together for a long time. Müller Fresh Food Logistics transports Vivera’s chilled and frozen products in the Benelux from the production location in Holten. We also provide storage with daily shuttles from our warehouse for Vivera. Due to its close location, the collaboration contributes to a sustainable working method through fewer ‘food miles’: the total number of kilometers of transport per product.
In 1990, Vivera was one of the first companies in the world to focus on meat substitutes. Vivera products are available in various Dutch supermarkets and can also be found in the food service market. Vivera is the market leader in the Netherlands and a leader when it comes to conscious and sustainable production. Vivera has also been B-Corp certified since June 2023. B Corp, which stands for Benefit Corporation, means that Vivera meets high social and environmental standards, is transparent and responsible and manages to maintain the right balance between profit and purpose.
We are proud of our sustainable collaboration with Vivera. Fresh food is our drive!